Becoming More Organized as an Entrepreneur

Luis Aleman
2 min readOct 23, 2020

What exactly is it about the entrepreneurial spirit that leads some people to be a bit less organized than a lot of other people? One theory is that it’s a lifestyle with fewer stringent routines than the traditional nine-to-five life. The more successful you become as an entrepreneur, the more you’ll find that being organized is a vital part of that success. In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can become a more organized (and successful) entrepreneur.

Set (and Stick To) a Daily Routine

Organization and routine are inextricably linked when describing people with good organizational habits. Setting a daily routine that you stick to leads to a higher level of personal discipline and purpose. These habits, in turn, lead you into keeping your work schedule more organized and less chaotic.

Get Rid of the Old Ways

It’s typical for an entrepreneur to struggle when it’s time to get rid of old ideas, models, paperwork, prototypes, or transcripts. If you’re like others, you probably think that there’s still a chance one of those ideas might be a hit someday. But if you’ve already put significant time and resources into these past ideas that didn’t pan out, it’s time to rid yourself of their remnants.

Set aside a weekend to pour through all of your old paperwork and materials. Find what’s cluttering up your organizational system and what genuinely needs to be kept. Then, for the items you wish to keep, separate them from all current projects and organize them in a meaningful way, at a distance from your current work.

Hire a Freelance Personal Assistant

Maybe there just aren’t enough hours in your day to get and remain organized. Perhaps the phone is always ringing off the hook and your appointments are constantly overlapping. If that’s the case, then it’s time to hire a freelance virtual assistant to help get you organized. Jump on a freelance website such as or and search for virtual personal assistants you can hire by the job or by the hour. Non-U.S. freelancers sometimes post rates of less than $5/hour, with U.S. freelancers typically charging more.

Originally published at



Luis Aleman

Luis F. Aleman is the CEO of LFA Holdings Inc. He is a tech lover, a businessman, and an activist!